Jeri’s Steps: 20,312
Miles walked: 8.3
Elevation: 1,440
Pints: 5
Churches: none
Stiles: 16
Benches: 1
After a day or rest during which we didn’t even leave our hotel, we stepped out to a bright sunny morning and headed towards Hadrian’s Wall. We briefly visited the Roman Army Museum to see if we could buy some hats (given our double loss last week) but we had no luck. We soon hit the roller coaster hills as the wall wound its way across the Whin Sill. The Whin Sill is an escarpment of harder dolerite rock which presents a natural barrier to potential invaders from the north and the Romans built upon this. In AD 122, the Emperor Hadrian ordered a wall built from Wallsend on the River Tyne in the east to Bowness-on-Solway in the west, a length of 80 Roman miles or 73 modern miles. In some places the wall, as built, was 15ft high. Mile castles were sited every Roman mile and two turrets were placed in the spaces in between.
The Pennine Way joins forces with the Hadrian’s Wall Path for some of this stretch. It was easy walking today in terms of route finding but even though we only walked 8 miles, we were relieved when the ups and downs ended and we took the road down to the Twice Brewed pub.
We saw a huge number of people today and chatted with a lot of them. These paths are very popular because not only do they track the remains of Hadrian’s Wall but they provide such fantastic views north and south. Tomorrow we continue on the wall for a few miles and then turn north to continue our journey.
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6 Responses
“Once Brewed”- What a great name! I see you had a respectable pint count. Are you finding real ales on your trek? Stay Well. Cheers, Jim
We actually have a spreadsheet of all beers, with tasting notes! For the most part they are real ales. It’s a bit odd, but the village is called Once Brewed but the pub is called Twice Brewed.
Whatever happened to your hats?? I don’t remember seeing anything about that happening!
Loving the pictures. Many congrats on your mileage!!
Lost on days 41 and 42, not sure how it happened…
I was one of the many people you met on this day, and when I found your message in the book at the Border Hotel, I saw that we had started and finished the whole of the Pennine Way on the same dates, yet only ran into each other briefly. Nice website, and great photos!
Thanks Phil and congratulations on completing the Pennine Way!